Now What?

We're heading for the home stretch here but there's still some loose ends and unfinished business. You're pages might be busy enough already with all the "stuff" you've been able to track down but now let's look at what other goodies you can get. Any sites listed as "New" were added July/97.

Frames, Flashing Text and Imagemaps

Frame Gang and Flash- Both are from Sausage Software with a 14 day evaluation period.

FrameShop-Fill in your preferences and let FrameShop do the rest. Check out the TableMaker and ColorMaker pages as well.

Imagemap Help Page-A very helpful page to learn how to do your own.

Java Frames

Learn All About Frames

Mapedit-If you want to learn how to create image maps for your pages, this is a good place to start. Offers help for client-side image maps as well as server-side.

Gif & Jpg Manipulation

VRL's Imaging Machine- Amazing things can be done with your own gifs and jpg's at this site. A must see! Offers links to similar sites.



The Multi Guestbook

Pergatory Guestbooks

Toast - A free Guestbook Service

World Famous Guestbook Server- Easy to use with step by step instructions. When it's busy, don't count on people being able to access it.

Now your pages are looking pretty good (really good in your opinion) and you're up on the Net.....but how do you get people to visit your pages? How will you know how many found them? Here's where you go now:


A-1's Directory of 600+ Free Web Page Promotion Sites- Bring a lunch.... you'll be busy here for quite some time filling in your info.

Free Links


PAGEHOST AtoZ List your URL for FREE!

The PostMaster - Announce Your URL Everywhere!

Submit It - A must! Get yourself listed on the major search engines and other fine pages.

WebStep -The Top 100 Master Index. The best free places to list your website.

Audits and Visitor Counters

Bayside Computer Systems - Web Counters -Offers not only a free web counter but you can also get a free home page with 10 megs of space!

Counters & Counter Digits - Customize your visitor counter.

NewCountMan Web Counter

Cyberhits - Free counter, clock and date display.

The Digit Collection

Digit Mania

NewHTML Access Counter

Internet Audit Bureau - Leave the counting to someone else.

NewThe Museum of Counter Art - A good place to find counter digits.


Waidsoft Collection - Counter digits.

Webcounter - Easy to follow instructions for installing it on your page. Not very reliable when it's prime time hours.

You have all these great people visiting your pages and some of them have either taken the time to email you or sign your guestbook. Wouldn't it be great if you could talk to them on the Internet? Here's just what you'll need:

FreeTel- Real-time full-duplex voice communications via the Internet.

Michael's Home Turf- Get PowWow, the PowWow Sound Installer and WAV files to add to PowWow. Visit the Cowboy from Oklahoma....a must see!

Tribal Voice - The PowWow Page- Allows up to seven people to chat, send and receive files and cruise the Internet together. Works with all Windows versions. Get out there and get yourself a microphone!

A Little Advice

A lot of great people have contributed their time and talent to allow us all to enjoy their creativity on our own home pages. If you've used their graphics or provided a link to their courteous and let them know how much you appreciate their work.

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Updated on July 1, 1997.